Friday, May 18, 2012

So, I've actually managed to get some knitting done! I completed Lillian's Elvria. (Ravelry link)

I think it looks adorable on her. Thankfully she likes it too. And it's long enough that she should hopefully get years of wear out of it.

I'm working on a shop sample now for my LYS, Starstruck Cat Studio. It's the Adamas Shawl, and I'm about 75% done with it.

Hopefully once this is finished and blocked I can get my act together and design an intermediate lace class. I'm not really sure what to include in the course, since I feel like I cover all the important stuff in the intro class. (Blocking, lifelines, chart reading, etc.) I think that learning to correct errors might be the focus I take.

Tonight is Friday knit night but I don't think I'll make it. I've managed to infect myself with something that has done a number on my throat. I sound like a frog and I've got a really annoying cough. I got myself some over-the-counter drugs this morning so I can make it through work, but I don't want to infect my fellow knitters in case it's something contagious. At work I'm pretty isolated from my co-workers, so it's not as much of an issue. (I also have Lysol in my desk so I can sanitize everything.) It just stinks because I look forward to Friday knit night all week, and I hate when I have to miss it.

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