She picked out the pattern and color herself. Then when it was almost done she informed me that she "really wanted it to be blue!" I told her "tough". I've never met a more indecisive child.
I'm pretty pleased with it too to be honest. I'm worried the yarn is going to pill like crazy, but I'll just have to wait and see.
Friday I attended a knit night at the yarn store that's opened about 5 minutes from my house. That's where I acquired this cute little project bag. It's the perfect size to hold a sock project. No more Ziploc bags!
My friend Jesi's mom makes them. And it turns out she knits at this shop too. It was nice bumping into her there, not only because I got this sweet little bag, but because trying to join a new group is always a little intimidating for me. So walking in and seeing someone I knew made my anxiety completely melt away.
I'm currently working on a pair of socks (which are in the above cute bag) and after that I'll hopefully get around to knitting myself a hat. I'd originally made myself a We Call Them Pirates hat:
But I didn't like the way it fit my head. Which stinks because it's super warm since I knit a lining too. I let the husbeast have it and he's really happy with it. He said it's his favorite hat I've made, even though it wasn't made for him. He said it's so warm that it keeps the rest of his body warm.
And I'm still hat-less. Boo.
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