First, I finished a scarf for a co-worker who's moving to Nevada.
Pink and purple and lurvly.
It's wonderfully long and warm since it's wool.
I'd actually started this for myself years and years ago and got distracted by other projects and stuck this in my WIP basket. The colors were perfect for her though and I wanted to make something really delicate but didn't have much time. So this worked out perfectly.
I also made a hat for my youngest sister for Christmas.
Green and gray and ridiculous. :D
I made one of these for Lilly years ago and Britt saw it and told mom she wanted one. Mom told me and presto! I've got a Christmas gift for her now.
I'm working on a We Call Them Pirates hat for myself now. It's freezing here. Single digit weather in the morning. That's typically something we don't suffer in Indiana until January. And I don't really have a proper winter hat. I know, the knitter makes everyone else hats and her head is cold.
I'm almost done with my Christmas shopping too, which is nice. Lilly's mostly getting clothes this year. And I plan on going out to get a few things for her this weekend and some stocking stuffers. All my nieces and my nephew I'm done shopping for. I've got to pick up a gift for the BIL and I need to finish my mom's shawl, and then I'm done. It's nice to not be stressed about that stuff either.
I'm really, truly enjoying the holidays this year in a way I haven't in years. I even hung lights up outside. (The weekend before Thanksgiving no less!) Now I just have to decide what kind of cookies to make for Santa this year.
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