Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What the heck happened to fall?

I was just getting used to fall and *BAM* we get hit with winter. It seems like for the last few years Indiana has pretty much skipped fall. If the leaves didn't change color you wouldn't even know it was happening. It's been really cold the last few mornings (and yesterday my hairdryer decided to croak on me so I went out at 7:30am in 35 degree weather with wet hair, yay) and this morning there was a light dusting of snow stuck to roofs. I guess this means I should dispose of the jack-o-lanterns that are rotting on my front porch.

I was accepted into a second national honor society this semester. You have to be in the top 15% of students in your university in order to receive an invitation to join so it's a pretty big deal for me. I work really hard when it comes to school and recognition of that hard work is always a morale booster. I have roughly three semesters left before I graduate, possibly four. But if everything goes according to plan I'll be in my cap and gown walking across the stage in May of 2010. It feels so, so close.

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