Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Indiana went blue!

This morning it was officially announced: Indiana went blue. For the first time since the 1960's.

Now I have to be honest, I voted for Cynthina McKinney this year (the Green Party candidate) because she aligns herself with so many feminist issues that are important to me. But this morning I felt a sense of optimism and hope like many in this country are feeling. To see Indiana go blue, a state that has voted red in every election in my lifetime, says to me that this nation is ready for change. It needs it.

So many people mocked Obama's campaign about Change and Hope (or as it was called so hysterically on MadTV, "Chope") but it seems that at it's heart, that's exactly what America was looking for.

I am so proud today. Americans are finally taking steps to fix the last 8 years of chaos. I think that the rest of the world is taking notice that we have stated loud and clear that we as a people are not happy with what has been going on in our government. America should be about peace and prosperity, not war and economic crisis.

I have joy in my heart today. And hope. Hope for my country and hope that I'm going to pass on a more peaceful and prosperous nation to my daughter than we've ever seen. Hope that a woman's right over her reproduction will be protected. Hope that everyone will have the right to love and marry whoever they choose. Can we achieve it? I say Yes We Can.

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