Montague Bulky Lace Vest

Mom's Mother Day socks

Mom's Birthday socks

Adele scarf

Bluebird Lace Stole (my own design!)

Greyhaven cowl

I've completed a few other small projects, mostly dishtowels. And I'm working on a dress for Lilly right now.
I've had some really difficult, personal things going on recently. Knitting has been helping me keep my sanity intact and deal with what sometimes feels like an overwhelming amount of emotions. I'm hoping I'm through the worst of it.
On the positive side of things I had an interview yesterday that went really well. I should hear back next week if they want a second interview. I really want the job and I'm hoping they offer it to me, and at least match the salary I'm currently making. It will be a little longer drive every morning but I'm really excited about the job.
Lilly is having her Kindergarten celebration this afternoon. Her last day of school is next Friday. I can't believe it's gone so fast. She reads so well now and has started doing math. She amazes the heck out of me. She still does things that drive me crazy (Like hiding candy in her room and eating it, which I only discovered because of ants. EVERYWHERE.) but she is becoming more independent every day and wants to know how to do everything herself. From unlocking doors with keys to 'helping' make dinner. It's exciting and sad at the same time. She's ready to grow up but I'm not sure I'm ready for her to.
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