Monday, October 13, 2008

Pumpkin patch

Saturday the Peterson side of the clan went to Waterman's Farm to pick out pumpkins and go for a hayride. Despite it being over 80 degrees (in the middle of we had a good time.

(Lil and Anjalea with their pumpkins)

It got miserably hot pretty quickly. I ended up with a bit of a sunburn and Lil doesn't tolerate the heat very well. One of the disadvantages of having such a fair complexion.

But daddy always knows how to make everything better. :)

(My husbeast is one handsome man I tell ya.)

Hopefully things will cool back down by this weekend. There's an orchard about 15 minutes from our house that I've taken Lil to the past several years and I want to take her back again. I want a caramel apple and hot cider but not in 80 degree weather.

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