Thursday, September 25, 2008

Busy bee

My life is crazy. Lilly's 4th birthday was Tuesday and we had her party this past weekend. My baby is 4!! The time has gone so quickly.

Tomorrow I'm going to be in Sheridan, IN helping out with a dig. I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve. All I've wanted to do for months is to dig. Even if it's only for a day it still feels like a reward.

Next weekend is the Midwest Historical Archeology Conference which is being hosted on my campus. I'm looking forward to that as well.

My life revolves around school right now. I've seen my husband for 45 minutes a day for the last two days. I need a break.


  1. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Well belated birthday greetings to your daughter and have fun at that dig, that is something I have always wanted to do.

  2. And here Lilly's bestest friend in the world goes and gets her a drum set!
