Monday, August 04, 2008


- Found out this weekend that what the doctor thought was an ulcer the last time I had stomach issues is actually IBS. Found this out after I had another horribly painful episode on Friday. NOT COOL. At least now I know what it is and the key to treating it is to figure out what, if anything, is triggering it. Fifty bucks says it's stress.

- Found out from my MIL last night that apparently 7 of the 9 knitted items I entered in the state fair got ribbons. That's pretty effin amazing. Plus my ceramics peice got an honorable mention. Pinch me. :) I'm working on a scarf for my SIL right now, out of this wonderful purple cashmere.

I'm going to make a hat and fingerless mitts to go with it as her Christmas gift. I have a strong urge to keep it for myself. But purple is her favorite color, so I'd have to hide it from her.

- My kid is cute.

She likes playing with yarn, just like her mama.

- I've decided where my next tattoo is going and who I want to do it. Appointments will be made soon with the artist I've chosen. I'm crazy excited about it. I've wanted this tattoo for a very long time.

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