I had all four of my impacted wisdom teeth cut out.

This is why I should have done it a decade ago.
Almost a week later the swelling was down, but the bruising was pretty bad.

Purple, yellow, and green don't suit me well.
I knit a hat for my father-in-law.

And I finished a pair of socks for myself.

I had a snow day. I enjoyed the paid day off from work and school.
I watched the dog play in the snow.

And my hubby shovel the car out of the driveway.

I spent time trying to figure out how to answer the questions of my philosophical 4 year old. Such as "Mommy, why are we real people?" The best I could muster was a question of my own, "Well angel face, what else could we be?"
I'm sad that the groundhog has doomed us to several more weeks of winter. Not that it would matter much I suppose. Indiana's winter always seems to last through March and I doubt the absence of a shadow would change that.
holy crap, all 4 teeth! that's terrible! hope you feel better soon.